What is your booking policy?

All new clients will be required to book at least 24 hours in advance to allow time to come in for a consultation and patch test. The appointment takes approximately 5 mins but is essential. A £25 deposit will also be required to hold your appointment at Lashsmith. This can be paid online at the time of booking or at your consultation. 24hrs notice is required to reschedule otherwise the fee is £25.

What is the best way to book in at Lashsmith?

As we are extremely busy lashing most of the time we prefer to take initial requests and enquires via message. You can get in touch via our contact form, you can also send us an e-mail, text or what's app. If you require a short notice appointment please call us and if we are unable to answer please leave a message and somebody will call you back as soon as possible. All of our contact details are available on the 'Contact Us' page.

Do I need to do anything in preparation for my appointment?

Please arrive on time without make-up. Extra time spent removing eye makeup may impact on the time spent applying your extensions. If you are running late unfortunately some of your appointment time may be lost, however the full price will still be charged.

How long will my appointment take?

Appointment times are variable from person to person and a more exact time can be advised at your consultation but as a rough guide it can take anywhere from 1 hour for a natural set, up to 2hrs 30 for extreme volume.

How long will my lashes last?

Again this varies from client to client and is dependant on several factors such as the clients skin type and hair type. Clients with very oily skin or hair often find they aren't able to achieve the same longevity as someone with a dryer skin. Overall we expect our full sets to last 6/8 weeks and extra volume sets up to 3 months in total.

How often do I need an infill?

We recommend you undertake an infill every 3/4 weeks.

Can I get my lashes wet?

Yes, just not for the first 24 hours. During this period it is really essential to keep your lashes dry, this is in order to allow the glue to properly set. For the first 48 hours you should not swim, steam or sauna.

Can I wear eye make-up?

You shouldn't need to wear mascara once your lashes are in perfect order. Water based mascara is available and can be worn providing it is removed with an oil free make up remover. Other types of eye make-up such as shadow and liner are fine but must also be removed using oil free products.

Will eyelash extensions damage my own eyelashes?

Not if they are applied and removed correctly. It is important not to pick or pull your extensions, the bond with the glue is very strong and will pull out your natural lash rather than coming off cleanly. If you decide you no longer wish to have extensions proper removal is crucial. During a professional removal a solution is applied to the lashes which gently disolves the glue and allows the extensions to slide off the natural lash without causing it any damage or trauma. picking and pulling at your extensions can cause damage that may take several weeks to recover.

Where can I park?

There are several pay and display bays on Salusbury road, directly opposite Lashsmith, Should they all be in use there are several more on Brooksville avenue which is 2 minutes walk away.